Monday, December 24, 2018

'Americas Economic Development during the Colonial Period\r'

'During the seventeenth and 18th centuries, European nations were heavily influenced by the frugal system of mercantilismâ€a system which aims at maximizing the riches of a nation (Scott, 2001). Europeans came to the Americas to increase their wealth, plump their influence, crystalise more power, and build an empire. To wear wealth for their m some otherland, Europeans had to have colonies. The colonists regulated the economic activities of their colonies and then accumulated wealth for the European powers (Score, 2006).From 1607 to 1732, the Europeans colonized thirteen countries, grouped as follows: (1) impertinently England Colonies (New Hampshire, Massachu investts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut)â€more on shipbuilding and fur vocation; (2) Middle Colonies (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware)â€more cosmopolitan and trading raw materials for manufactured items; and (3) Southern Colonies (Maryland, Virginia, join Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia)â €predominantly rural parsimoniousness (Conte & Karr, 2001).The discovery of these countries resulted in a movement of European populations into the colonies. This demographic mixed bag facilitated the economic progress of the colonies. Their citizens of different origins essential a synergy to live unneurotic in harmony; utilized their crafts; and created towns with shops, markets, town halls ( mobilise Quest). As the colonies became prosperous, the English realized that the colonies could distend their mete out and further prosper.In 1650s and 1660s, England instituted a set of Navigation Acts to limit compound trade solely to Britishâ€and colonies’ exports to and imports from other countries had to be shipped through Great Britain, thereby increase the latter’s import traffic collections, and incomes for re-exportation of goods (Scott, 2001). These trade restrictions somehow benefited the colonies, e. g. , New England’s ship building industry benefited from orthogonal competition protection, South Carolina gained from an indigo subsidy, sexual union Carolina profited from bounties on tar and lumber, and various other exporters benefited from zero import tariffs (Scott, 2001).The Navigation Acts were strictly enforced in 1763, which heightened the interest of the colonies to gain their independence from Britain (Scott, 2001). References Conte, Christopher, and Albert R. Karr. (2001). Chapter 3 †The U. S. Economy: A Brief History. An Outline of the U. S. Economy. Retrieved May 25, 2008, from U. S. surgical incision of States Bureau of International Information Programs blade site: http://usinfo. state. gov/products/pubs/oecon/chap3. htm. Score. (2006). A Study of the colonial economy from 1600-1750.Retrieved May 25, 2008, from Schools of California Online Resources for bringing up (Score) Web site: http://score. rims. k12. ca. us/score_lessons/. Scott, Carole E. (2001). mercantile system and the American Revolut ion. In American scotch History. Retrieved May 25, 2008, from Ancestry. com Web site: http://freepages. history. rootsweb. ancestry. com/~cescott/mercan. html. Think Quest. (n. d. ). The Colonial Period. Retrieved May 25, 2008, from Oracle pedagogics Foundation Web site: http://library. thinkquest. org/C007803/colonia_period. htm.\r\n'

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